A woman discovers that all her male coworkers in the factory earn a lot more for the same work than the female coworkers. Together with two friends she fights for equal rights.


Ska rishikime
  • Life Is Beautiful (1985)

    Sick with the system he works in, the engineer stops the train in the middle of nowhere. The passengers decide to spend time in a local café and their arguments...
  • Nedeljni ručak (1982)

    A surgeon torn between his family and mistress sees his upcoming promotion as a salvation from midlife crisis.
  • When Day Breaks (2012)

    The story of a retired music professor, Misha Brankov, who under unusual circumstances discovers his true origins. At the place where once stood a Nazi...
  • Udhëtimi (2008)

    Elliot, 31 vjeç, një produkt i sistemit të përkujdesjes në Uashington DC, ka kaluar pjesën më të madhe të jetës së tij duke lëvizur nga një vend në tjetrin. Kur...

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