

Steirertod (2021)

Krim, Dramë, Mister | Austri

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Vlerësimi: 7.1/10


Commissioner Sandra Mohr suspects a connection between two prostitutes murdered in a similar way, but her superior, Sascha Bergmann, dismisses the obvious suspicion that a serial killer could be in Styria. The evidence is still too meager for him, and at the moment his attention is more on his career or the prospect of promotion. When the state police department puts a female boss in front of him, Bergmann falls from the clouds: self-confident profiler Nicole Sturm is an ex he left for another woman. Meanwhile, Bergmann's heavily-pregnant colleague and almost-daughter-in-law Sandra ignores his order to limit herself to gentle office work. On the way home at night, the inspector observes a suspicious scene with a prostitute who seems to be afraid of a suitor. Sandra intervenes, a shot is fired, the woman flees, and the man escapes. Bergmann and his new colleague Anni Sulmtaler know that they absolutely must find the frightened witness from the extremely cunning murderer. A race against time begins.


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