
Der Duft von Holunder

Der Duft von Holunder (2011)

Dramë, Komedi, Romancë | Gjermani

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Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
Vlerësimi: 5.1/10


Former manager of the year Tom Sommer left the rat race to move back into his sleepy home town and run the local grocery, also specializing in marmalade. The death of a widow crone brings home after years her daughter, surgeon Agnes Moller, who plans to sell the property hastily, and her single daughter, food critic Sofie Möller, just dumped as career bitch by her boyfriend, who gets a warm welcome from youth friend Tom. They start a frolicking affair, but her assuming all villagers are backward losers, even Tom whom she expects to jump at a poorly paid repair job, gets even to him. Meanwhile clearing the house and the mystery of the choice of a double grave instead of that next to Sophie's grandfather sets her on the trail of her supposedly ever-absent father.


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