
Amour Fou

Amour Fou (2014)

Dramë, Komedi, Romancë | Austri, Luksemburg, Gjermani

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Vlerësimi: 6.4/10


Berlin, the Romantic Era. Young poet Heinrich wishes to conquer the inevitability of death through love, yet is unable to convince his skeptical cousin Marie to join him in a suicide pact. It is whilst coming to terms with this refusal, ineffably distressed by his cousin's insensitivity to the depth of his feelings, that Heinrich meets Henriette, the wife of a business acquaintance. Heinrich's subsequent offer to the beguiling young woman at first holds scant appeal, that is until Henriette discovers she is suffering from a terminal illness.


Amour FouAmour FouAmour FouAmour FouAmour FouAmour Fou


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