
Jeene Ki Raah

Jeene Ki Raah (1969)

Regjia: L.V. Prasad

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Desperate to earn money to support his extended family, Mohan becomes entangled in a web of deceit when he tells a lie in order to obtain a secretarial job in the city with the wealthy Mr Rai. He says he isn't married. But he is. Mr Rai has a daughter with a heart condition. She's confined to a wheelchair but Mohan has more than a mild therapeutic effect on her and she is soon up and running - running after him. Meanwhile, back in the village, the money he has been sending home is being filched by his greedy sister. Soon, mother, wife and a flock of children come looking for him and Mohan finds himself leading a double life in an increasingly desperate effort to avoid all parties learning the truth.


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