EPISODI: 12 - Par Avion


Claire begins to find out the true relationship between Desmond and Charlie and about Desmonds new ability to see into the future and of his repeated fates of Charlie, she also has a ideal to use migrating birds from the island to send a message out, but does not know why Desmond want to sabotage her. Claire flashes back to several years earlier in Australia where the raven-haired Claire and her mother were in a car accident, leaving her mother in a coma. Claire then met her long-lost biological father: Dr. Christian Shepherd, Jack's father. Meanwhile, a power struggle emerges between Sayid and John, and Kate as they search out what appears to be some kind of complex that may house "The Others," as they force the captive Mikhail, with Danielle Rousseau tagging along, to the "Others" camp which leads them to a mysterious sonic perimeter surrounding their base.




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