
Ready Jet Go!: Eye in the Sky/Total Eclipse Block Party

Ready Jet Go! (2018)

Animacion, Familjar, Fantashkencë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 6 - Eye in the Sky/Total Eclipse Block Party


"Eye in the Sky": Sean is planning his first sleepout under the stars with his Space Scouts troop, but the weather is threatening and it looks like his sleepout will be rained out. The kids get help from Mitchell, building a weather observation station to make a weather prediction, and visit the DSA for further help by tracking the weather with satellites. "Total Eclipse Block Party": A total eclipse of the Sun is coming to Boxwood Terrace! The kids prepare a Total Eclipse song and dance to perform at the DSA, where the whole town is gathered for the event. Meanwhile, Sunspot attempts to explain the eclipse to all the local animals so they won't think it's night and sleep through it.


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