
Secret Life of Predators

Exposed (2011)

Dokumentar, Natyrë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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A unique, four-part event series that plunges into nature's raw survival stories. It's a sensory immersion in which every asset - and every liability - of the world's greatest predators is revealed through incredible camera and production technologies … some invented specifically for this trailblazing television experience. Each hour in this series will focus on conflicts that take place in a unique battlefield - an arena that shapes how the predators that inhabit it hunt.


Secret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of Predators


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