RahXephon: His own Watch

ラーゼフォン (2002)

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EPISODI: 4 - His own Watch


Ayato and Haruka now arrives in Litya City, along with RahXephon, and now Ayato and RahXephon are being researched, while Ayato Meets Quon. Meanwhile Haruko is confronted by Elvy, the only other survivor from the Battle on Tokyo Jupiter. During the test Ayato is found our to be a Murian and is locked up for it by order of King Kunugi. And then Litya gets attacked by a Dolem. And Ayato must save Terra from the Dolem. After eliminating the Dolem, Ayato hands over the Rahxephon to Terra where it can be taken care of by Dr. Itsuki


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