Red vs. Blue: Captive Audience

Red vs. Blue (2011)

Animacion, Komedi, Fantashkencë, Aksion, Fantazi, Luftë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Burnie Burns

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EPISODI: 9 - Captive Audience


Simmons becomes jealous by all the attention Lopez is getting. However, Lopez questions the pattern of the recent earthquakes and decides to take matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Epsilon still tries to explain the world around them to his teammates, until a grenade appears in front of them and explodes.

Cut to the Freelancer backstory, where North Dakota has a chat with Washington. However, their conversation is cut short when a group of soldiers tell them about a 3 to 1 battle, involving a new agent. During the battle, agents York, Maine, and Wyoming get pushed around by the new, black armored agent.


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