
Super Pseja: Peter Rabbit

Super Why! (2009)

Animacion, Aventurë, Familjar, Fantazi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kinë, Kanada

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EPISODI: 43 - Peter Rabbit


Red wants to find the perfect present to show Grandma she cares, but she is absolutely stumped! The Super Readers pay a storybook visit to Peter Rabbit and chase after the mischievous little cottontail bunny, who’s on the hunt for some delicious fresh vegetables for his Mama. The Super Readers must help Peter find what he's looking for before his big appetite for veggies lands him in hot water!

Educational Objectives: To learn how to show someone you care, investigate the alphabet, practice spelling skills and use the power to read to change the story.


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