Super Friends: "Playground of Doom / Space Racers / The Recruiter

Super Friends (1983)

Animacion | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 8 - "Playground of Doom / Space Racers / The Recruiter


Playground of Doom: Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop to the children's pranks.

Space Racers: The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage. The Recruiter: Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode.


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