The junk troop - The Money Lies in the Basement is a RTL II documentary soap that helps people make money from their old items...The ebay valuer Sükrü Pehlivan, the antique dealer Mauro Corradino, the household dissolver and junk dealer Otto Schulte and formerly the student of psychology and antique dealer Antoine Richard act as moderators. In some episodes, the junk dealer Detlev Kümmel supports the team of moderators..


Ska rishikime
  • My Cat from Hell (2011)

    Xheksoni trajton macet që nuk sillen mirë. Ai ndihmon njerëzit që të përballen me mace që kam probleme përshtatjeje.
  • Život na vagi (2017)

    Croatian version of "The Biggest Loser"
  • Patrulla e Autostradës (1999)

    Documentary following members of the New Zealand highway patrol as they witness the best and worst behaviour on the nation's busiest motorway.
  • Naked and Afraid (2013)

    Ç'ndodh kur dy të panjohur, pa rroba, lihen në ddisa prej vendeve më ekstreme të Tokës me vetëm një mjet mbijetese në dispozicion?

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