
Alle für die Mafia: Herzlicher Empfang

Alle für die Mafia (1998)

Krim | Austri

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EPISODI: 1 - Herzlicher Empfang


He has no contact with the Mafia. However, according to Mario Adorf in an interview, the "honorable company" feels flattered when he embodies the gangsters as men of principle and character. For example, Adorf gave the honorable crook in "The Shadow Man" by Dieter Wedel in 1996. In this comedy, too, he convinces as a cheater with style and sense of etiquette. The author Felix Mitterer (Grimme Prize for "The Piefke saga") was inspired by the previous common practice of Italian justice. Sentenced godparents could testify and go into exile or go directly to prison. Troubled by the courts, Don Michele (Adorf) has an easy choice. Of course, he prefers to be exiled to South Tyrol with his wife Rosa (Anita Zagaria) and the bodyguards, and the fact that the residents of the small village of Galmigg are not thrilled with the new addition hardly irritates Michele. He quickly bought his first supporters. And soon after, he sets the tone in the village. Now the mafioso has only to deal with the killers who are after it.


Alle für die MafiaAlle für die Mafia


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