
Ernest & Rebecca

Ernest & Rebecca (2019)

Animacion | Francë

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Rebecca is six and a half years old and lives at her mom's house, with her older sister Coralie, her dog Missile - and her best friend Ernest. Ernest is a microbe that Rebecca caught during a rainy day while she was hunting frogs. Since then they never left each other. Rather than contaminating humans from the inside, Ernest now prefers to enjoy every moment spent with Rebecca in order to succeed in all their plans, even the craziest ones. Ernest the microbe is in fact the best medicine against bad mood. School, friends, home life, adventures - Our heroes have no time to get bored.


Ernest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & RebeccaErnest & Rebecca


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