

Abad va yek rooz (2016)

drammatico | Iran, Repubblica islamica di

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Mostra non disponibile nel paese
Valutazione: 8.4/10


The graphic account of a poverty-stricken family living in Tehran through the days before the youngest daughter of the family, Somaieh, is departing to start her marriage to a supposedly rich Afghan. While all members of the family have their worries about the wholeness of the marriage, she is struggling with her madly debilitating troubles including a silly mother who is gravely ill, a drug abusing brother, an obsessively compulsive sister, a considerably smart teenage brother who is being ruined in the environment, and a cunning oldest brother in need of money.


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  • Plutonio 239 - Pericolo invisibile (2006)

    Dramma e fantascienza in una pellicola HBO. Un operaio di una centrale nucleare russa, gravemente malato a causa delle radiazioni, ruba del plutonio per venderlo...

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