Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Emile Hirsch e Paz Vega in un thriller di Alessio Della Valle. Le strade di un boss e di un mercante d'arte si incrociano dopo il furto di un'opera di Andy Warhol

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American NightAmerican NightAmerican NightAmerican NightAmerican NightAmerican NightAmerican Night


Recensione di hymie
martedì 3 maggio 2022 04:20
American Night may sound like a generic title for a movie but this is a surprisingly original tale with a cast including Jonathan Rhys Myers, Paz Vega, Michael Madsen, Emile Hirsch and Jeremy Piven. It’s visually striking with lots of cool neon and imaginative set design; the fact that art is used to bring the story together is something I haven’t seen before in the genre.

As you’d expect with the cast it’s well acted and Jeremy Piven is entertaining as stuntman Vincent who thinks he is a... (di più)
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