Former insurance agency investigator Nathan Ford heads a team of former top-criminals. They handle 'unorthodox' cases of people unlikely to get their dues through regular channels and legal procedures. That often involves stinging or otherwise scamming criminals. Nate's team is altered at times, and his professional as well as personal past repeatedly seems to catch up.

A csatornákon volt:


  • Sherlock és Watson (2012)

    A sorozat a népszerű és legendás Sherlock Holmes történetét ülteti át a modern kor világába. Az ifjú Sherlock Holmes különböző lelki problémái miatt alkohol és...
  • Columbo (1971)

    When you first saw him, Lieutenant Columbo looked like a bum that just came off the street. He had a bumbling demeanor, was overly polite and seemed to chomp on...
  • Különleges ügyosztály (1999)

    This show delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit, investigate and prosecute various...
  • Poirot (1989)

    Amikor Agatha Christie megálmodta a belga nyomozó alakját, alacsony termetű, köpcös, díszes bajuszú, talpig elegáns úriembert képzelt el, aki valamikor az 1880-as...


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