The series depicts the social and family life of a boy in a typical American suburban middle-class family from 1968 to 1973, covering the ages of 12 through 17. Each year in the series takes place exactly 20 years before airing (1988 to 1993). The show's plot centers on Kevin Arnold, son of Jack and Norma Arnold. Kevin's father holds a management job at NORCOM, a defense contractor, while his mother is a housewife. Kevin also has an older brother, Wayne, and an older sister, Karen. Two of Kevin's friends and neighbors are prominently featured throughout the series: his best friend, Paul Pfeiffer, and his crush-turned-girlfriend Gwendolyn "Winnie" Cooper. Storylines are told through Kevin's reflections as an adult in his mid-30s..

C'était sur les chaînes:

RTL Zwei  

  • La vie de famille (1989)

    The Winslow family is a pretty normal family except for one thing, their neighbor Stephen Urkel. A genius and klutz Steve makes some really weird inventions while...
  • Les sirènes de Mako (2013)

    During a trip to Mako Island, Zac gets in touch with the water of the magic Moon Pool in a night of full Moon, gaining a merman tail and the power to manipulate...
  • Leçons sur le mariage (2007)

    Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the complications of dating, commitment, and marriage.
  • Mon oncle Charlie (2003)

    The Harper brothers Charlie and Alan are almost opposites but form a great team. They have little in common except their dislike for their mundane, maternally...

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