A drama about the scandalous lives of a group of four girlfriends - each on her own path to self-discovery as they brave the turbulent journey together. Meet Savi (Alyssa Milano), a successful career woman working toward the next phase in her life, both professional and personal; simultaneously bucking for partner at her law firm while she and her husband Harry (Brett Tucker) are trying to start a family of their own. Savi's free-spirited and capricious baby sister Josselyn (Jes Macallan) couldn't be more different - living single, serial dating and partying - and regularly leaning on her big sister along the way. Their mutual best friend, April (Rochelle Aytes), a recent widow and mother of two, is rebuilding her life after tragedy and learning to move forward - with the support and guidance of her closest girlfriends. And friend Karen (Yunjin Kim), a successful therapist with her own practice, reconnects with the girls after her involvement in a complicated relationship with a ...

C'était sur les chaînes:


  • Meurtres à Sandhamn (2010)

    Viveca Sten's popular novels come to life in "The Sandhamn Murders", a perfect mix of Nordic crime and the beautiful surroundings of the outer Stockholm archipelago.
  • Barwy szczescia (2007)

    The protagonists are the inhabitants of Zaciszna Street in Warsaw. Some of them have known each other for years, some have just moved to the "Pod Sosnami" estate....
  • Grey's Anatomy (À coeur ouvert) (2005)

    A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
  • Café con aroma de mujer (2021)

    Every year, Gaviota and her mother arrive at Hacienda Casablanca to pick up the coffee from the second harvest of the year, but they hope that their next visit...

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