Harry Bosch is an irreverent homicide detective in Los Angeles. Like any good protagonist he has problems with authority, follows his gut and bends a few rules...
The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and...
Carrie Wells, a former NY Police detective, has a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She rejoins the force and...
Southland takes a raw look at Los Angeles as it is in the 2000s and as well at the lives of the officers of the Los Angeles Police Department who are trying to...
Facing an existential threat that could bring down the Crime Lab, a brilliant team of forensic investigators must welcome back old friends and deploy new...
Walt Longmire is the charismatic, dedicated and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka County. Widowed only a year, Longmire is a man in psychic repair that buries his...
Steve McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) comes to Hawaii to avenge his father's death, but when the Governor offers his own task force, he accepts. He picks up team...
The plot follows the lives of two people who, at first glance, are connected only by their name - Kosta. First one, refugee from Krajina, is trying to survive,...
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