This critically acclaimed drama focuses on the Drombuschs, an average German family living in Darmstadt near Frankfurt. Siegfried, the father, runs an antique shop, while his wife Vera looks after their home and the three children Chris, Marion and Thommy. Chris is a duteous police officer who marries the complicated Tina, daughter of a wealthy family, but his sister couldn't really handle her life after she gives birth to little Daniel and becomes a single mom. Then, Siegfried's mother moves in and annoys the whole family. After a while, Vera and Siegfried buy and begin to renovate an old mill, but the financial problems and the stress is too much for Siegfried who dies after a heart attack. In this difficult time, Vera is supported by uncle Ludwig, a relative who suddenly turns up. In secret, he falls in love with her, but she starts a disappointing relationship with journalist Martin Sanders whose wife Brigitte tries to destroy their love. The following years, the family has to overcome many problems and disasters. Chris is killed by a hooligan and Tina has to raise her black adopted son. Marion has an affair with a pander, but finally finds her true love. In the last episod, Vera follows a frustrated Ludwig to Mauritius, while Marion discovers that the mill -with her grandmother in it- is burning down...

C'était sur les chaînes:


  • Kreuzfahrt ins Glück (2007)

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  • Morangos com Açúcar (2003)

    This soap opera follows the daily routine of a group of portuguese teenagers and their problems.
  • Friends (1994)

    Delve into the hearts and minds of six friends living in New York City as they explore the anxieties and absurdities of true adulthood. This smart, sophisticated...
  • Grey's Anatomy (À coeur ouvert) (2005)

    A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.

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