

Yaadein... (2001)

Réalisateur: Subhash Ghai

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 4.4/10


Raj Singh Puri has a very wealthy friend in Lalit Kumar Malhotra, and his wife, Nalini. After the passing away of his wife, Shalini, Raj has become more dependent on the Malhotras, and they have offered him support and solace in his time of need. Raj has also won over the affections of their son, Ronit Malhotra. When Ronit meets with Raj's daughter, Isha, both are attracted to each other and fall in love. They want to surprise Ronit's parents and Raj, and they accordingly decide to share this news with Raj, only to find out that Raj has been actively involved in trying to get Ronit married to Monishka Rai, the daughter of a very wealthy industrialist, who the Malhotras would like to have a business merger with.


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