
Hélène de Troie

Helen of Troy (1956)

Réalisateur: Robert Wise, Raoul Walsh

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Au cinéma de Invalid timestamp
Évaluation: 6.1/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.5/10
(2 voix)


Prince Paris of Troy, shipwrecked on a mission to the king of Sparta, meets and falls for Queen Helen before he knows who she is. Rudely received by the royal Greeks, he must flee...but fate and their mutual passions lead him to take Helen along. This gives the Greeks just the excuse they need for much-desired war.


Hélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de TroieHélène de Troie


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