In the quiet swamps of the Louisiana bayou, what started as an exciting boating trip will soon end up in a bloodbath, when genetically altered snake-fish infest the river. Now, a blood-thirsty species of part-snake, part-fish that's all teeth terrorise the locals, gobbling up those unfortunate ones who cross paths with them. As a result, in the solitude of the virgin nature, a man-eating predator is reproducing at an alarming rate, developing a taste for the succulent human flesh. Can anyone stop the multitudes of the voracious snake-heads?


Snakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead SwampSnakehead Swamp


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