Vanni and Linda have been engaged for ten years, living together in central Rome. He is a writer, she is his ghostwriter.


Aucun avis
  • Obračun u kazino kabareu (1993)

    Two friends who work in a detective agency rob their boss in order to be hired by him to find the thieves. Their plan goes wrong after the man with a white hat...
  • Mon meilleur ami (2006)

    François est un marchand d'art parisien. Lors d'une vente aux enchères, il acquiert pour une petite fortune un magnifique vase grec. Le soir même, il fête son...
  • Ça tourne à Manhattan (1995)

    Un cinéaste new-yorkais, Nick Reve, désespère d'arriver à tourner la scène bouleversante que doivent jouer son actrice principale, Nicole, et une comédienne plus...
  • The Broken Landlord (1985)

    The landowner (Agha) of the Haraptar village marries off his old father with the young and beautiful Kiraz. But on the nuptial night, his father dies and...

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