
What About Mojca?

Kaj pa Mojca? (2014)

documentaire | Slovénie
Réalisateur: Urša Menart

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 5.8/10


Documentary film explores the role of women in the Slovenian film and is also looking for reflections in the film classics of the constant changing position of women in the society. Documentary also refers to popular and lesser-known women's roles in the history of Slovenian film, heroines in the literal sense, typical roles in many partisan films, as well as the established cliches: a suffering mother, adulteress, gossip. Through interviews with the actresses, theorists and artists as well as analyzing the most common phrases expressed by women in the Slovenian films, the film tries to reveal the true Slovenian film heroine.


Aucun avis
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