
Crveni i crni

Crveni i crni (1985)

Réalisateur: Miroslav Mikuljan

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 7.5/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.1/10
(9 votes)


This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic 1921. When Italy 1921 annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which is they sold foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggling for mining republic, and the for love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pippan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.


Crveni i crni


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