Ben is a hard-working advertising man. The climber who is completely fixated on his career does not want to know anything about family and children. His girlfriend Juliane thinks a little differently. The successful doctor is expecting a marriage proposal and is already secretly preparing a joint apartment: as a surprise for Ben's 40th birthday. At the agency, too, Ben is suddenly caught up with the topic of family: In order to get the multi-million dollar budget for a large baby product campaign, Ben has to pretend to be the passionate father of the skeptical client Hans Feldmann, a company boss of the old school. When Feldmann then wants to get to know the supposed family of the agency boss personally, Ben only has to flee forwards: With the tongues of angels, he tries to persuade his childhood sweetheart Hanna to play a harmonious temporary family with him and their two sons Paul and Jonas. Hanna actually has no reason to bail Ben, after all, he has already hurt her deeply. She only gets involved in the game for financial reasons. She also enjoys the fact that the vain, arrogant egoist finally crawls to the cross in front of her. Although Feldmann's ambitious son-in-law Andreas grows suspicious, Ben's plan works perfectly. Even a little too perfect: because against his will, Ben proves himself to be a great father, and things start to crackle again between him and Hanna. Hanna realizes too late that she should have listened to her brother Carsten, who warned her about the unscrupulous heartbreaker.


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