
The Red Colored Grey Truck

Sivi kamion crvene boje (2004)

aventures, comédie, romantique, temps de guerre | Serbie, Allemagne, Slovénie
Réalisateur: Srđan Koljević

Évaluation: 7.4/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.9/10
(44 voix)


This movie is mainly a love story, and the scenery is the first day of the civil war in ex Yugoslavia (June 1991). The main character is Ratko, an ex con, from some Bosnian "never go there" place. His most important characteristic is that he is colorblind, which gives him, in a symbolic way, the ability to see things differently than 'majority around him' (that is also an explanation of the movie title). On the beginning of the movie, Ratko will meet a city girl, who is a completely different person than him. On their strange voyage they will fall in love with each other and find the way to beat all differences.


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