

Wanted (1999)

Réalisateur: Harald Sicheritz

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.8/10


Trauma surgeon Thomas Reiter voluntarily withdraws to a closed institution because he no longer wants to face everyday life. He solves problems in his imagination - a western fantasy. A priest is commissioned by his worried parents to bring their son back to reality. When Thomas asks him to follow him into his western world, the pastor realizes that this escape from reality is not without its fascination... A humorous look at reality and imagination, a film about the dissolution of borders. "So someone has difficulties with their life and flees into a simple world. Of course, as a screenwriter, I could also say in such a case that they flee into video games - but that was all too banal for me, it was too obvious "The Western also stands for something, it stands for simplification. There is good and there is bad, so pretty clear guidelines. For me, that was the clearest leap for someone for whom reality is too complex.


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