Évaluation: 3.5/10


Aucun avis
  • Special Education (1977)

    Educator and those educated in a home for juvenile delinquents in the same test: approach, take a peek into his soul to become a man. The story of a minor,...
  • Leeches (2019)

    Writer Petar Miric, at the time of the great social and political crisis in Serbia represents attitudes that conflict with the principles of the political regime....
  • Au nom de la haine (2002)

    In 1998, a young gay man by the name of Matthew Shepard was robbed, viciously beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Although he was soon found by the police and...
  • Le plus grand cirque du monde (1964)

    Matt Masters est le directeur d'un grand cirque américain qui doit son succès à un spectacle exceptionnel dont Toni, une écuyère, est l'une des vedettes. La jeune...

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