

Celos (1999)

drame | Espagne
Réalisateur: Vicente Aranda

Où regarder
Spectacle non disponible dans le pays
Évaluation: 6.0/10


A month before he's to marry Carmen, Antonio finds a photograph of a man with his arm on her shoulder. The photograph triggers jealousy: he questions Carmen, Carman's friend Cinta, and his friend Luis who introduced him to Carmen. Cinta tells Antonio the man's first name. Carmen tells him that the man meant nothing to her, and that the photograph was taken before she met Antonio. She loves Antonio and sets out to wipe the photograph from his mind through exuberant sex, but her ploy backfires and Antonio remains fixated. Slowly he finds out about the man, and about Carmen's past. Will jealousy consume this couple or can they find a way to kill the green-eyed monster?


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