
Sekula i njegove žene

Sekula i njegove žene (1986)

comédie | Yugoslavia
Réalisateur: Dragoslav Lazić
PINK Film | 25/02/2025 | 22:50

Évaluation: 6.0/10
Note de l'utilisateur: 8.9/10
(68 votes)


A village blacksmith Sekula, hard-muscled but soft-hearted, has everything but the luck when it comes to love. Many women pass through his house, but keep just enough to give birth to another child, and then run away from the life that briefly stranded. A local spinster of ill health, a belly dancer, a veterinarian experienced in castration of bulls, and finally, a singing star-to-be. Sekula is truly in loved with this singer with large eyes and a slim waist, but she only dreams of money in her buxom, a record contract and the newspaper headlines.


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