Grigor Vachkov
1. Étoiles (1959), film...Montyor v rabotilnitzata
2. Sly Peter (1960), film
3. A Chronicle of Sentiments (1962), film...Iliycho
4. Tutune (1962), film
5. There Is No Death (1963), film...Pesho
6. Incredible Story (1964), film...Shofyorat
7. The Ancient Coin (1965), film...Boncho
8. Midi torride (1965), film...Selyanin
9. Le ballon attaché (1967), film...Selyanin
10. The White Room (1968), film...Kloun
11. The Death of Alexander the Great (1968), film...Aleksander Karev
12. Kit (1970), film...Kapitanat
13. Eternal Times (1974), film...Gunchev
14. Manly Times (1977), film...Banko
15. Warmth (1978), film...Workman / Gyp
16. Pokriv (1978), film...Murgaviya
17. Vazdushniyat chovek (1980), film...Bay Foti
18. Three Deadly Sins (1980), film...Mitar