1. Un prince à New York (1988), film...Imani Izzi
2. POLLY (1989), film...Nancy
3. POLLY COMIN' HOME (1990), film...Nancy Dodds
4. Memphis (1992), film...Martha Kinship
5. The Inkwell (1994), film...Francis Phillips
6. Daylight (1996), film...Grace Calloway
7. Cherokee Kid (1996), film...Abby Holsopple
8. Archibald the Rainbow Painter (1998), film...Diana
9. The Temptations (1998), série...Johnnie Mae Matthews
10. ADN, menace immédiate (1998), série...Grace
11. Love Song (2000), film...Evie Livingston
12. The Brothers (2001), film...Dr. Thelma Woolridge
13. Bad Boy (2002), film...Christine Hodges
14. À force de volonté (2002), film...Berniece
15. Biker Boyz (2003), film...Anita Galloway
16. Treize à la douzaine (2003), film...Diana Philips
17. L'amour n'a pas de prix (2003), film...Vivian Johnson
18. Harcelés (2008), film...Aunt Dorrie
19. Good Hair (2009), film...Self
20. The Killing of Wendy (2009), film...Wendy Johnson
21. Hawthorne: infirmière en chef (2009), série...Gail Strummer
22. Shameless (2011), série...Carol Fisher
23. A Beautiful Soul (2012), film...Guardian Angel
24. Exhale (2013), série...Self
25. Survivor's Remorse (2014), série...Camille Jordan
26. To Hell and Back (2015), film...Colleen
27. First Date (2016), film...Marian Robinson
29. Saints & Sinners (2016), série...Lady Ella Johnson
30. Message From A Mistress (2017), film...Heather
31. The Preacher's Son (2017), film...Elena
32. Un coup de foudre en héritage (2018), film...Isabel
33. Traîné sur le bitume (2018), film...Jennifer Johns
...Lila Burkholder
35. Thriller (2018), film...Mrs. Jackson
36. Her Only Choice (2018), film...Dr. Bailey
37. Throwback Holiday (2018), film
38. Harriet (2019), film...Rit Ross
39. American Skin (2019), film...Bernice
40. Un prince à New York 2 (2021), film...Imani Izzi
41. A Holiday Chance (2021), film...Sheryl
42. Kenan (2021), série...Bobbi
43. Grand Crew (2021), série...Brenda
44. Le diable que vous connaissez (2022), film...Della Cowans
45. The Black Hamptons (2022), série...Carolyn Britton
46. Wicked City (2022), série...Tabitha
47. The Black Hamptons (2022), série...Carolyn Britton
48. The Couch: Black Girl Erupted (2023), film...Dr. Rebecca Francis
1. Saints & Sinners (2016), série
3. The Couch: Black Girl Erupted (2023), film
1. The Couch: Black Girl Erupted (2023),
1. Bebe's Kids (1992), film...Jamika
2. Sous la promenade (2023), film...Val