Rowan Atkinson and the cast of legendary comedy series Blackadder are back for this one-off documentary special to mark 25 years since the original BBC transmission in 1983. Featuring fascinating interviews and behind-the-scenes insight from its renowned cast and writers, including the first ever in-depth interview with Rowan Atkinson, on his personal experience of playing Edmund Blackadder.
The entire cast of Blackadder appear together in a documentary for the first time as they mark 25 years of cunning plans and dastardly deeds. The show includes an exclusive in-depth interview with Edmund Blackadder himself, Rowan Atkinson, the first time he has agreed to be interviewed about his experiences making the show. Also reflecting on their time on the show are other key members of the team, including Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Tony Robinson, Rik Mayall, Ben Elton and Richard Curtis.