
Churchill and the Movie Mogul

Churchill and the Movie Mogul (2019)

dokumentarni, ratni, biografski | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Redatelj: John Fleet

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Ocjena: 7.3/10


Winston Churchill was mad about films, arguably more so than any other politician in history, but the true extent of his use of them as a war weapon has not been previously explored. Before the Second World War, one of Britain's most celebrated film producers, Alexander Korda, signed up Churchill as a screenwriter and historical advisor, and a unique collaboration began. Churchill provided script advice for Korda's productions and also penned an epic screenplay. When war broke out, their collaboration became of immeasurable importance. Alexander Korda was sent on a spy mission to Hollywood with the aim of bringing America into the war. Using previously undiscovered documents, that mission and the friendship which underpinned it is explored for the first time in a new documentary by writer-director John Fleet.


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