
Nel bagno delle donne

Nel bagno delle donne (2020)

komedija | Italija
Redatelj: Marco Castaldi

Gdje gledati
Emisija nije dostupna u državi
Ocjena: 5.8/10


Giacomo, 35 years of laziness, is a man who doesn't know and doesn't want to fight. He is a introvert curmudgeon, a little bit nerd but not very social, who walks with the look downward on his device without giving to the people what they would like from him: only a little bit of attention and enthusiasm. He loses his job, he is left by his wife and coincidentally he remains closed in the restroom of the avant garde cinema together with the owner's small pincher. The world has attacked him and his reaction was to clam up, like a child would do, deciding to remain closed in that bathroom, safe from any threats, failure, and moreover away from the others. His action is insane, childish,extreme but it makes concrete a desire that every man has. Giacomo, in that bathroom, feels like a fetus in his mother womb. And so he took the most important and no sense decision of his life: he decided to remain there, closed in that bathroom, at least for a while, a sort of quarantine. This could be ...


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