A nationwide search for the best home cooks in America. One of 50 hopefuls will become a culinary star and one of America's "Masterchefs."

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Cosmopolitan Televisión  

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    Every day is a unique challenge for Dr. Michelle Oakley, the only all-species vet for hundreds of miles in the Yukon. Whether wrestling bison, tracking ibex in...
  • El cazador (2020)

    El cazador, un formato en el que cuatro concursantes anónimos unen sus conocimientos para ganar al cazador, un auténtico profesional de los concursos televisivos....
  • Gra słów. Krzyżówka (2020)

  • Aventura en pelotas (2013)

    Each week, a new pair of total strangers are faced with the ultimate survival challenge: survive for 21 days together with no clothes or supplies in some of the...

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