The Remingtons always depended on a native man named Juan to make the best chocolate. After his death, it's all up to his granddaughter Rosita, who demands love and respect as proper payment.
Mother and daughter Astrid and Audrey are lawyers specializing in family law who take the perilous decision to work together. From the bulldog being fought over...
Told from the perspective of an unseen documentary filmmaker, the series offers an honest, often-hilarious perspective of family life. Parents Phil and Claire...
Steve McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) comes to Hawaii to avenge his father's death, but when the Governor offers his own task force, he accepts. He picks up team...
Carrie Wells, a former NY Police detective, has a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She rejoins the force and...
La carretera es el escenario donde las fuerzas del orden luchan contra malvados personajes y conductores temerarios que atraviesan el continente europeo.
The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and...
In the late 1890s, police Inspector William Murdoch takes a new, more scientific approach to solving crimes. Assisted by coroner Dr. Julia Ogden and Constable...
Se necesita un gran equipo de personas para ayudar a responder la famosa pregunta, "911, cuál es su emergencia?" La detective Athena Grant trabaja como policía,...
Los accidentes aéreos suelen tener una magnitud catastrófica. Esta serie documental reconstruye los peores siniestros con precisión e imágenes de impacto.
Based on Agatha Christie's short stories. Hercule Poirot is a famous Belgian detective, who always gets embroiled in a mystery, usually along with his faithful...
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