The Adventures of Sir Michael. Serialized adaptation of the novel "Pan Wolodyjowski" by Henryk Sienkiewicz. Set during 17th century Poland during the Ottoman horde's invasion.

Estaba en los canales:

TVP Polonia  

  • Polskie drogi (1976)

  • Prodigiosa: Las aventuras de Ladybug (2015)

    Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a shy high-school student, has inherited some magical ladybug-shaped earrings. The ornaments grant the power of Luck to whoever wears...
  • Na Dobre I Na Zle (1999)

    Polish medical drama. Real medical cases filled with twists, turns and surprises. The focus of the narrative is on the life of doctors and nurses.
  • Friends (1994)

    Friends narra las aventuras y desventuras de seis jóvenes de Nueva York. Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler y Joey forman una unida pandilla de amigos que...

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