A German-Austrian crime series which features the detectives Oberländer and Zeiler who are investigating murder cases across the national border. Shot mainly on locations in the city of Bregenz and the surrounding area at Lake Constance.
"Pitbull" shows every-day police work the way it is, without unnecessary commentary, using documentary form. The story evolves around few CID policemen, each of...
The series is about the investigative work of the Special Commission of the Leipzig police. The team, consisting of Hajo Trautzschke, Jan Maybach, Ina Zimmermann...
When a killer wants you dead, there's one place to search: home sweet home. With the twist of a lock, your home should be your sanctuary. For some, it becomes a...
Enfrentando una serie de complejos casos de asesinato, la nueva comandante de policía Hélène Bach debe aprender a trabajar con el brillante pero exasperante...
Alice Nevers is a young and beautiful investigating judge. With her partner, policeman Fred Marchand, they use their own power to solve crimes to each their method.
Catherine is a no-nonsense police sergeant who heads up a team of officers in a rural Yorkshire valley. When a staged kidnapping spirals out of control turning...
The business-reality program focuses on the stories behind high-profile corporate and white-collar crimes, betrayals, and scams in American history, including the...
Local restaurant owner Pearl Nolan sets up a local detective agency after undergoing police training in an earlier career. She is soon embroiled in her first case...
The story circles around French police officer Commandant Candice Renoir and her team solving different crime cases in a harbor city of south France. Candice...
Ksiądz Mateusz znajduje w kościele porzucone niemowlę. Dziewczynka ma gorączkę, trafia do szpitala. Jej stan jest krytyczny. Dzięki troskliwej opiece lekarzy i...
John Nolan, un hombre de mediana edad que, en plena crisis existencial, decide cambiar radicalmente su vida para cumplir uno de sus sueños: incorporarse a la...
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