
En busca de marido

Every Girl Should Be Married (1948)

Comedia | Estados Unidos
Guionista: Don Hartman

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Clasificación: 6.4/10


Living in the big city, Anabel Sims, a shop girl at Roger Sanford and Co. Department Store, has matrimony at the front of her mind, but no potential husband discounting "Old Joe" back in her hometown of Greenville, he who she has no intention of marrying even if he asks her. She knows who she will want to marry once she sees the man, and believes that women should be able to take on the traditional male role in the courtship ritual in pursuing that man. It is love at first sight for her when she spots who she will learn is esteemed pediatrician Dr. Madison W. Brown, she indeed using every trick at her disposal to get him to want to marry her. She learns that he is a creature of habit, which makes it easy for her to stalk him, but she also learns that he considers himself a confirmed bachelor, and if he does decide to marry that he wants to choose his own wife rather than the other way around as he quickly learns what she is doing in constantly and "accidentally" running into him. As ...


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