A story about reckless Irenka Borowska takes place in the thirties. Quite suddenly, her family experiences numerous misfortunes: sale of the family estate at auction, rejection of their request for help from some wealthy relatives, death of a father, and finally impoverished existence in a provincial town of Kuropatki. Under those circumstances a little lady takes all the responsibility for her family's future. In the course of her search for a rich aunt who might save the family from a total downfall, Irenka encounters Zbyszek. Much to her disappointment, a young student is completely in love with Greta Garbo, so he doesn't pay any attention to the girl. However, reversal of fortune is coming when the aunt gets impressed with Irenka and changes her attitude to poor cousins. The Borowskis resume possession of their estate, and the very first innocent love flourishes between Irenka and Zbyszek.


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