
Vidas sin barreras

Rancho Deluxe (1975)

Comedia, Romance, Western | Estados Unidos
Guionista: Frank Perry

Clasificación: 6.3/10
Opiniones de los usuarios: 9/10
(2 votos)


Jack McKee and Cecil Colson are bumbling drifters who make a living by rustling cattle in the wilds of Montana. Jack left his wealthy parents because he resented their posh lives. Cecil is of Caucasian and Native American descent seeking his own path in life away from his father. Both hustle and rustle their way in the world by targeting cattle owned by wealthy ranch-owner John Brown. Frustrated that someone is killing his cattle, John hires a pair of ranch hands, Burt and Curt, to find the rustlers. When Brown realizes he cannot trust his two inept ranch hands, he turns to the grizzled former rustler Henry Beige to find the cattle thieves. Jack and Cecil always stay a step ahead of their pursuers, not realizing that their luck must run out sometime.


Vidas sin barrerasVidas sin barrerasVidas sin barrerasVidas sin barrerasVidas sin barrerasVidas sin barreras


Revisado por Filip
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022 10:03
Realizirana u suprodukciji iskusnih Elliota Kastnera (U orlovskom gnijezdu, Anđeosko srce) i Anthonyja Raya (Sjene, Kaktusov cvijet), nepretenciozna, lepršava i zabavna vestern/komedija redatelja Franka Perryja (Dnevnik lude crnkinje, Prošlog ljeta) istodobno dobro funkcionira na čak tri razine. S jedne strane je riječ o posveti vesternu kao najameričkijem filmskom žanru duge i bogate tradicije, s druge o svojevrsnoj vestern-parodiji, a s treće o generacijskoj komediji koja na sjetan i pomalo... (más)
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