Marcello Mastrioanni stars as aging actor Nicolas whose career has dwindled to TV commercials. Seeking an anchor in his life, Nicolas attempts a reconciliation with his ex-wife. But in this, as in his professional life, Nicolas is doomed to disillusionment and failure.
- Yves RobertLe metteur en scène de théâtre
- Marcello MastroianniNicolas Montei
- Françoise FabianPeggy
- Jean RochefortClément Chamfort
- Evelyne BuyleLa débutante qui joue Bérénice
- Henri-Jacques HuetLe metteur en scène au bord de l'eau
- Lise DelamareLucienne - l'actrice qui joue Lady Rosemond
- Sylvie JolyLa femme du photographe