Henny, a self-confident dressmaker, lives with her quirky parents in a village near Cuxhaven. She is involved with Martin, the son of the aristocratic family who owns the local shipyard.
- Elfi EschkeHenriette 'Henny' Schönberg
- Andreas VitasekSiegfried 'Sigi' Hirnschroth
- Claudia KmentRenate Hirnschroth - Sigis Ehefrau
- Nicola EtzelstorferJulia Hirnschroth - Sigis Tochter
- Hans ClarinUwe Schönberg - Hennys Vater
- Monika JohnKarin Schönberg - Hennys Mutter
- Heinz PettersFelix Hirnschroth - Sigis Großvater
- Kitty SpeiserPaula Hirnschroth - Sigis Mutter