Nele Neuhaus
1. La mujer no deseada (2013), película...(based on the novel by)
2. Schneewittchen muss sterben (2013), película...(based on the novel by)
3. Mordsfreunde (2014), película...(based on the novel by)
4. Heridas profundas (2015), película...(based on the novel by)
5. Wer Wind sät (2015), película...(based on the novel by)
6. Böser Wolf (1/2) - Ein Taunuskrimi (2016), película...(based on the novel by)
7. Böser Wolf (2/2) - Ein Taunuskrimi (2016), película...(based on the novel by)
8. Die Lebenden und die Toten (2017), serie...(based on the novel by)
9. Im Wald (2018), serie...(based on the novel by)
10. Nele Neuhaus - Murder Mysteries (2022), serie...(based on the novel by)
1. Riverboat Berlin (2021), serie...Self