1. The Angel with the Trumpet (1950), film...Albert Drauffer
2. Murder in the Cathedral (1951), film...5th Priest
3. Tread Softly (1952), film...Madeleine's Personal Assistant
4. Four Sided Triangle (1953), film...Robin
5. Three Steps In The Dark (1953), film...Henry Burgoyne
6. The Men of Sherwood Forest (1954), film...Will Scarlett
7. The Cockleshell Heroes (1955), film...Marine Bradley
8. Jedini koji je pobjegao (1957), film...German Prisoner
9. Quatermass 2 (1957), film
10. Drakula (1958), film...Jonathan
11. The Whole Truth (1958), film...Archer
12. Carlton-Browne of the F.O. (1959), film...Hewitt
13. Blind Date (1959), film
14. Carry On Nurse (1959), film...Surgeon Stephens
15. Betonska džungla (1960), film...Formby
16. Marriage of Convenience (1960), film...John Mandle
17. Partners in Crime (1961), film...Merril